Fun And Easy Ways To Decorate Custom Paper Bags With Handles

By Eliza Mendoza

Paper bags with handles offer the gift giver the opportunity to add their own personalized touch to a present for a friend or loved one. There is a certain sentiment one feels when receiving a gift encased in something that was created with them in mind. Store bought paper bags lack that heartwarming element.

A fast and simple way to make a gift bag unique is to visit the scrap booking isle of a local craft store. There is a wide variety of themed papers to choose from. They are sold individually and are reasonably priced. Cut these into basic shapes and overlap one piece over the other to make bright and cheerful designs. Stickers and foam embellishments can be added for extra flair.

A wonderful way to add a personal touch is to write an original message or add a quote. It does not have to be a life altering statement or mind blowing sentence. Something as simple as though of you when I saw this, or remember that day when we, is just as effective.

Overlapping tissue paper is a simple, yet artistic way to enhance a paper bag. Simply tear up large chunks, dip it in glue, and lay it on the surface of the bag. Feel free to go wild with various designs and colors. Before each piece dries, run over it with a paint brush. This will leave swirls, ridges, and will make some colors blend. Once dried, it will resemble art gone wild.

Give a child a crayon or acrylic paint, and let them create a master piece. They will love knowing their work of art will be used to hold a surprise inside. The person receiving the gift will be getting two presents in one. There is nothing more personal than getting an original Crayola work of art from ones niece, grandson, or sibling.

Cut a piece of fruit in half or use an old sponge and dip it in paint. This homemade stamp can be used to decorate a gift bag creating an original piece that will incorporate country charm with that personal touch. This is an easy project that does not take long to do, but leaves pleasing results.

Look throughout the home and utilize a mixture of materials found around the house. Clothing patches, clothes pins, buttons, lace, and similar products can create a funky design that not only will cost pennies, but will produce a fun, original encasement for the present.

Personalizing a bag is an enjoyable experience for both the gift giver and the receiver. It requires thought, effort, and is a touching way to display ones appreciation for the other.

Creating personalized gift bags using paper bags with handles is a touching way to show appreciation for a family member or friend. The time spent making the craft allows one to truly enjoy the gift giving process while adding personal thought and sentiment to the present. This is something that no store bought bag can rival.

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