Showing posts with label LinkedIN's Move To Open Up Publishing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LinkedIN's Move To Open Up Publishing. Show all posts

LinkedIN's Move To Open Up Publishing Is Great For Users


On February 19, 2014 LinkedIN announced that it was giving members access to the business knowledge they need by making the platform available. This is good news for users of LinkedIN. It means that you now have an extra avenue where you can share your articles about your expertise and the people reading your articles will be the business professionals that you desire to reach.
This shift by LinkedIN could be seen as part of a greater strategy to entice more tech savvy users to participate fully in the system in order to create the kind of phenomenal growth that other platforms like Facebook have been able to achieve.
So how does this impact the three levels of users that may be on the system?
Firstly you have a user who may be an entry level person. This type of user doesn't have a wide variety of career experience and indeed may be recent graduates from college or university. But when they go on to the LinkedIN platform and begin to apply for jobs and create their own profile, there may be an additional perceived pressure to begin to populate the profile with insightful content such as posts. And even though they may not have much to offer by way of experience they may find themselves being forced to try to compete in a new way.
Those users who are new entrants to the workforce can be further divided into those who have mastered the English language and those who consider it a challenge or a barrier. The ones who are challenged with English, even though they may be more qualified and more capable at a particular job, may not be able to write as well and as such will have extreme pressure on them as opposed to the native English speaker. It will be a kind of systemic barrier.
The next level of user is the type that has senior level experience in the job. And while they have a wealth of knowledge and can add to any discussion in their field, they may not necessarily have the desire or the time to write articles. Yet when these types of users to create an article, others may find it of immense value. And this will continue to create additional value and goodwill for these types of users and open up other opportunities for them as well with other contacts in the LinkedIN network.
And the final level of user is the user caught in the middle between the new entrant, and the experienced professional. For them the pressure to continuously produce worthy content may be more intensive depending on the particular industry in which they work. They may find perks, bonuses, and pay increases, may suddenly be unofficially linked to the number of high-quality pieces they are able to contribute to LinkedIN while in the employ of their company. As an employee shines, the company stands to benefit from the glow.
I certainly intend to watch how this plays out in the near future because it just added some more workplace dynamics that could create more barriers for some and open many more doors for others. Ultimately, the idea that professional users may begin to share their knowledge in the LinkedIN professional network is a good one. I'm looking forward to writing my own piece on LinkedIN shortly because it gives me another venue where I can get on my soapbox and talk about the things I'm passionate about.
I'm also excited about the prospect of meeting other like-minded business professionals who may share similarities in the viewpoints I express through my written pieces. Indeed birds of a feather flock together and LinkedIN just made it possible for this bird to sing this song.
Now this feature has not rolled out to everyone yet but there is a link where you can visit to apply to be part of the advance group that is given access to this feature. I strongly advise you to take advantage of it until. As an early adopter user don't mind if you experience some kinks or hiccups along the way because that's all part of being a trailblazer. Have an awesome day and keep your voice strong.