How good are you with email marketing? Is it something that you're proficient with, or is it something that you need a lot of help with? Honestly, I think email marketing is the easiest thing in the world. In fact, when some of my offline business owner friends' asks me how to get free sales from the internet, I tell them to collect their client's/customer's names - and communicate and send special offers via email.
For those that do take my advice, their businesses immediately bloom with more customers. Now they want to learn more about getting cheap or even free sales from the internet. If you need help with your email marketing, don't fret. I want to give you some quick and easy tips for having success with email marketing, and I think you can do great things with them. Here's the first tip:
1) Track where your leads come from
Tracking is very important. It lets you know where your leads are coming from, and which ones you should delete after a period of time, or what advertising source you need to eliminate. At first I was reluctant to tracking, but now when I do it, my business is more predictable and readable.
Tracking is very easy with email marketing. You can use an autoresponder to track your leads. I personally use an autoresponder service called "Aweber" to track my leads. Whenever I test out a new advertising source, I simply create a new autoresponder, and in the "tracking ID", I simply type the name of the advertising source that the leads are coming from. This information is only seen by me - not leads or customers. Here's another tip for email marketing success:
2) Learn copywriting
"Copywriting" is the skill of writing sales letters and email content that entice people to buy from you. Copywriting is a long lesson in and of itself, but it can be mastered. The best way to learn copywriting is with a "swipe file". A swipe file is simply a collection of winning ads, emails, and sales letters that you can use and emulate for your own sales letters.
Now you DON'T want to copy the swipe file pieces directly. This is plagiarism. What you want to do is use them as a guide to gain the insight and "way of thinking" of the copywriter. This will give you a major boost in your email conversion rates - as opposed to writing out emails from scratch. Here's another good email marketing tip:
3) Don't make your emails so long
Well, you're exactly a family member of the people who you are selling to, so when they open up your email, don't make it a 1,000 word thesis. Give people short but high quality information that they can instantly take in and use in a way that will benefit their lives somehow. Don't make your emails long.
Hopefully these 3 email marketing techniques have served you well, because they took a long time for me to learn. Good luck with your email marketing efforts. I know you can be very profitable with it.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Randall Magwood is one of the most respected and highly-regarded online marketing experts on the internet. He has a website about internet marketing that helps site owners learn how to market their website online simply and easily. To learn more, simply visit his website:
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