Search engine email marketing: Certainly, if you want to build an online income stream for yourself that is risk free, easy to do, fun and can be created in your spare time, then reading this short article to the very end might be the most profitable 2 minutes you spend this year.
As you scan every word, you will begin to feel that this is what you have been seeking. You will say to yourself, "Maybe this can work for me. Could it be that this is what I have been looking for? It can't be this easy!" Yes it can.
By the time you finish reading this article, you will have learned how to turn something you love into a life long internet income.
Search Engine Email Marketing Made Easy:
First, decide what you want your site to be about. Decide on something you are passionate about, something that makes your heart sing.
Then, the simple process:
- Content: Create high quality, in demand content that the visitors to your site will love because it is exactly on the topic they are searching for. This is why it is so important to build a website about something you love and are passionate about. Could you write a long time about pet rocks or Barbie dolls? Take your time and choose wisely. Search engine email marketing requires research. The internet is a massive market that can accommodate any niche you care to get into. Are you getting excited about all the possibilities this offers you?
- Traffic: This high quality content will be noticed by the search engines and they will send FREE traffic to your site. As part of the search engine email marketing process, they closely monitor everything. They check such things as how long the visitors stay on your site (bounce rate), how many pages do they visit, how long do they stay on your pages and do they leave your site following a link you suggested for more information or to buy a product you recommended? This is a sign that you offered a solution to their problem and this is another sign of a quality site. Imagine what it would be like if you could do this when you are away! You can. This is called a "portable empire".
- Presell: As you share free information with your visitors, they get a feel for what you are doing. They will quickly sense if you really want to help them and if your are qualified to do so. The passion you feel for the content of your site quickly becomes evident to them and they will respond with the back button if they see you are just trying to score a sale. Give them information, offer some solutions and, if you can, offer related information that will broaden their view of whatever they ae searching for. The search engine email results will make it all worthwhile. Confirm to them that you are expert in this field, you know what you are talking about and that you are offering them solutions whether it is a place to buy Chihuahua clothes or a corporate jet. Now I want you to go deep into your mind and visualize what you could do with something like this, on a subject you love.
- Monetize: Now, the fun part. A successful website can be created on any subject using this process. It is up to you to decide if you want to sell items yourself or if you want to build an affiliate business. Becoming an affiliate is easy and always free. Basically, it involves being the same as a commission salesperson for any number of companies you want to. If your site is about deck construction, you might want to be an affiliate for lumber yards, power tool companies and you might want to sell plans and blueprints. Being an affiliate is great. You share high quality information, your visitors like what you are saying, go to recommended vendors and, if they buy, you get paid a commission! You don't have to worry about warehousing, inventory, employees, shipping, customer complaints or anything else. As your view continues to expand, you are starting to feel excitement, aren't you? This isn't hard, is it? Your search engine email marketing empire will bloom and prosper.
It's a great system that works with any theme of website. These sites attract FREE traffic called organic traffic. They take a little time to build as you learn, but the final product will give you secure income for years to come.
Fact! Search engine research has found that a visitor to a website has to visit it an average of 7 times before they buy even if your prices are good and they feel secure with your online purchasing system. Chances are slim that any customer will return that many times.
The solution lies in building trust. You do this by asking them to be on your email list. You promise to keep sending useful information to them on a regular basis.
As you read this page more and more, you will feel better and better about all those financial black clouds that have hovered for so long over your life. In a moment, your subconscious mind is going to absorb all this information and will get to work putting all this together for you.
The visitors see that your information is good and that it is put forward in an interesting way. You might want to offer little bonuses as an extra inducement for them to part with their email address, As you send out new information, you quickly develop a trusting relationship and many of these people will buy from you in a little while. Many of those will buy from you for years to come.
Conclusion: Here is an example of a perfect search engine email marketing transaction.
Barb is looking for clothes for her little Chihuahua. She enters the search term "Chihuahua dog clothes". The search engines look through all the sites in the world and judge that your site is the most suited to the search query.
She clicks on your link and is greeted by a wonderful site on Chihuahua dogs. She immediately sees that you have many pages on dog clothes, but a page on Chihuahua nutrition catches her interest. She goes there and reads about many things she hadn't been aware of. Barb is impressed with your knowledge and visits your Chihuahua grooming pages and then checks out your pages on Chihuahua diseases.
She decides on the outfit that she wants for her dog, but she hesitates in buying. She doesn't know you. She does, however bookmark your page and agrees to receiving your Chihuahua newsletter.
The search engines have been monitoring all of this and rate your site highly. Barb might come back on her own, but your newsletter will gain her trust quickly and she will buy the doggie outfit she had chosen. Over time, she knows you are the goto person for Chihuahuas. Over the years, she will buy Chihuahua harnesses from you, she will buy dog medicines from a company you represent and so on.
Life is good and remember this: All this runs on autopilot. Your site is making money whether you are building new pages or are away for a month of vacations.
This is search engine email marketing at its best.
By the way, do you want to find out more about using this search engine marketing process yourself? Click here to get a deeper understanding of what this rock solid, Search Engine Email Marketing process can do for you! Email marketing is something you can easily learn and your email marketing list will grow and grow.
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