Showing posts with label The Number 1 Secret To Making Money Online. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Number 1 Secret To Making Money Online. Show all posts

The Number 1 Secret To Making Money Online


At last, the Secret, the answer... how to make money online, to get an increase in cash flow.
Within my international mastermind group we have always said

What is The Secret?... There is no 'F' in Secret!
And really that is still true... so if you are reading this thinking ahhaa he is really going to spill the beans and share the recipe for the secret sauce... well, just as in the Kids Story 'Kung Fu Panda'... The Secret issssss... a lot of stuff you do not want to hear about.
The Secret To Make Money online Is - Hard Work
Yep sorry there it is... the Number 1 ingredient... hard work...
Let me give you an example... My daughter is 21 she left school with few if any qualifications, she did not even take her A'levels, she hated the environment. She was / is extremely bright and clever, but was just not suited to academic endeavour. She threw away her education, and went to work at the local McDonalds. She was very young and shy but she stuck it out, and had a very good relationship with the Franchisee.
She worked her butt off, to get an increase in cash flow, to give her lifestyle choices, and came to the notice of an area manager for a national hotel chain. He gave her a business card for his local general manager with a note from him scribbled on the back... She took that card and took a zero hours contract at the hotel. Again worked her butt off and within 15 months rose to a position of reception manager and reservations manager,for the north of England. Not bad considering she was under 20... Her lifestyle choices improved again an increase in cash flow helped. Part of her role was managing conferences, and she came to the attention of a local client whose role was to book conferences, for International Pharmaceutical companies, all over the world. Another head hunting approach, and she is now a senior booker for the company. With global responsibility, she spends half her time in this country sourcing and booking venues, and the other half of her time, off round the world.. she earns 6 figures + has a new car, and a great boyfriend... Check those lifestyle choices, what an increase in cash flow too!
My Daughter came home the other night in tears, some of her old school friends who had just finished University, with degrees in alcoholism if nothing else, had given her a real hard time saying how lucky she was etc... They did not see the work that went into getting her noticed. The grind the constant up at 5 to get the breakfast shift ready, the late nights working the conference rates with clients, pushing all the time for the next deal... She is relentless, she always has a smile on her face, and her persistence is incredible...
Her success is built on one thing alone, her hard work... No one bought it for her, I did not buy her any education or benefits... The only thing I did was allow her to make her own lifestyle choices, and gave her a safety net if it went wrong... she did the work...
And in the words of the great golfer Gary Player... The harder she worked the luckier she got!
The Secret Is - Attitude
Attitude, yes, again... sorry, not a button or widget or some magical get out of jail free card. Attitude, how you react to what is happening to you. This is the only thing you can ever truly take control of in your life... Again my daughter's was one of "I am being paid so I may as well be happy and give value." Boy did that attitude pay off. You see the people who spent all day bitching about how unfair the system was, how they hated the boss, the company, the people... contdpage194... are all still exactly where they were... Sarah made a mark, she stood out, she was determined to do the best she could. By doing this she made an increase in cash flow which changed her lifestyle choices
That is what makes the difference in the internet marketing space... If You want to make money online, make a serious increase in cash flow... You need to watch your attitude... I am sure you have heard the saying that it is people who look to get as much done as possible move on fastest, where as those who look to get by, just do enough to NOT get noticed, are the ones who constantly fail.
Do whatever it takes and then some... this way you will never be found wanting.
The Secret To An Increase In Cashflow Is - Persistence
Yes that is another secret,( Surprisingly there is not just one!) the difference between success at making money online, or anything in life, and failure, is keeping on going... Persistence, stick-ability, the determination to see a job through to the end, that you committed to, when you were excited!
The Secret To Having Lifestyle Choices Is - Love What You Do
And even if you don't... learn to love it or stop!
I Think Steve Jobs encapsulates this real attribute of success when he talks about having nothing left to lose.
When things matter like that, when all you want to do is, what you enjoy, what you have said, and giving it your all, then I believe you will succeed. In fact I truly believe that you will become unstoppable.
The Secret Is? - There Is No 'F' In Secret
There really isn't, the truth is probably unpalatable to many, who just want a quick fix, or a fast buck... well there is the lottery... but look at what happens to the guys who win, with no concept of how to manage wealth, pretty soon they have nothing left, back to where they started... broke and bitching about it...
If you want to change some things in your life, then you have to be prepared to stand up and be counted, make that change.
Take Care
Stephen Greenhalgh
Stephen Greenhalgh,is a former truck driver, husband and father of four grown up children. Having worked hard all his life his early retirement planning was snatched away at 48 by the financial crash... he has retrained himself, to understand and use the internet to replace a substantial part of his lost pension. Timid and unsure at first, he has been driven through necessity to find viable alternatives, and today is beginning to reap those rewards come and meet him blue collar millionaires