How To Make Raw Milk Yogurt In Your Home

By Marissa Velazquez

If you are used to buying all the products you need from a nearby supermarket or grocery store, you may discover that there are some benefits in making certain types of foods in your home. You will save money and probably end up with a diet that is more healthy. As an example, the following instructions will show you how to make raw milk yogurt at home.

It can be a surprise to some people that the product can be prepared easily in your own kitchen. You don't need special ingredients. Everything you need can be found at the corner store. They are not even expensive. You only need to buy some raw milk and a small amount of unflavored yogurt to serve as the starter.

The things to keep in mind are the type of base and the type of starter to use. As for the milk, any type can be used save for UHT (Ultra High Temperature) processed product. Keep in mind that the lower the fat content, the less thick the end result will eventually become. Raw product is the best to use when considering its higher fat content.

Buy a small carton or container of starter. It must contain living flora in order to be effective in processing the base liquid. You will see the information by reading the label carefully. It is the living flora that produces the product called lactic acid. This element is responsible for turning the base product into the creamy substance suitable for all kinds of healthy recipes.

The start-up process of creating homemade substance is slightly different from individual to individual. In case you start with raw liquid, it is highly recommended to start the whole process by boiling it to kill all the harmful content and bacteria which may cause complications during digestion later on. First, stir the liquid and let it boil at around 180 degrees, then allow it to slowly cool down to around 110 degrees.

Once the dairy liquid has dropped to the 110 degree F level, you can mix in a small amount of the live culture starter. Place the mixture in a container and maintain the temperature for at least two hours. Placing the container in a temperature controlled location is simple. Use an oven or temperature regulated appliance.

The next step is simply to wait for the bacteria in the mixture to work their magic on the base. 110 degrees is the favored temperature to encourage the living flora to begin producing the critical ingredient of lactic acid. You will need to keep the mixture warm overnight, or for a minimum of four to eight hours. A longer time period will result in a thicker end product.

As you can see, learning how to make raw milk yogurt is not hard. You can find both ingredients in your local grocery. The activities are not hard to do and require no special tools. Just the warm starter and milk results in a delicious and healthy product.

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