The Main Principles On How To Make Kombucha

By Marissa Velazquez

Kombucha is a drink that is believed to have its origin is Asia but is now enjoyed in many places all over the world. In simple terms, the drink comprises sugary tea that is fermented in yeast and bacterial organisms. Symbiotic colonies also known as SCOBY are the microorganisms that are used in this process. If you intend to learn how to make kombucha, you have to be very keen not to miss a step. This is because failure to follow instructions may result in harmful side effects and even death in some cases.

The culture of this beverage is composed of a genus of acetic bacteria known as Acetobacter and one or more yeasts forming what is called a zoogleal mat. The symbiotic relationship is such that the yeast produces alcohol which contributes to production of acetic acid, this helps in limiting the alcohol content in the drink while increasing acidity. The acidic environment is unsuitable for bacterial spores and most airborne moulds, as such, contamination is minimised.

Apart from yeast and bacteria, kombucha contains other substances produced by the microorganisms. These include amino acids, polyphenols, active enzymes and organic acids. The exact ratio of these components can be determined by chemical analysis, though quantities may differ as per the method of fermentation involved. Each of these substances plays a very important role in the process.

Glucoronic acid, in particular has an important function in the body. It involves in detoxification of various substances in the liver. Not only does detoxification reduce the pancreatic load and easing liver burden, it also said to help in prevention of cancer. Its role in cancer prevention is, however, yet to get adequate scientific backing. The conjugates of the acid can be detected in urine.

A standard recipe entails one cup of sugar per gallon of tea or water. Recommended sugars required for fermentation include evaporated cane juice, brown sugar, refined white sugar, glucose syrups, molasses and pasteurised honey. Caution should be taken in the amount of honey used as high concentrations destabilise the culture. Lactose, stevia, xylitol or artificial sweeteners should never be used in fermentation.

Black tea is the most common option for sweetening and fermentation. Others include green tea, white tea, and lemon balm among others. Sugar is first added to the tea as it is needed to facilitate fermentation, after which the prepared culture is added. Herbal tea and oily tea should be avoided as these may cause harm to the culture.

Chances of contamination are reduced by ensuring that the preparation is properly covered. Covering ensures that there is proper air circulation of gases. Different layers of SCOBY are formed with every subsequent fermentation process. Anaerobic bacteria settle at the bottom while anaerobes take the top position.

What are the health benefits of kombucha? As mentioned earlier, it has the ability to detoxify the body. In addition, it contains glucosamines which are used in prevention and treatment of joint pain. It being a probiotic beverage, it also helps in digestion and general gut health. The drink also aids in boosting the immune system. Armed with such comprehensive notes on how to make kombucha, good results are guaranteed.

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