Can A Long Island Accountant Attest To Small Business Credit Improvements?

By Robbie Sutter

I did not realize that there was so much trouble for businesses to consider with credit until the subject came to my attention. This was done through an article that was published on Fox Business and to say that there were plenty of statistics would be putting it mildly. That being said, there are quite a few details that made me see just how much credit improvements has been seen amongst small businesses that have attempted to take them out. These are improvements that any Long Island accountant can attest to.

According to a report posted on Fox Business, smaller businesses are going to have an easier time taking out loans than they would have ever possessed before. As indicated by the Experian/Moody's Analytics Small Business Credit Index, the credit climate index saw an increase of 1.2 points, moving up to 117 during the final quarter of last year. It's a great point to make, since it seems as though credit will be a much easier realm for businesses to thrive in. It's clear that there are positives to be had here.

You may be curious as to why loans are taken out by these businesses to begin with. There are many reasons for this, as a Long Island accountant can state the possibility of a business wanting to expand, moving to other areas in order to create bases of operation in different locations. CFO Consulting Services, along with other authorities, can also cite the importance of purchasing inventory as well. These factors stand as just a couple that help to perpetuate business in many different regards.

One of the reasons why this could be concerning, though, has to do with delinquencies. Keep in mind that the article mentioned how these rates have increased during the fourth quarter of last year, going up from 0.1% to 10.2%. As one can imagine, this is where a certain level of caution can come into play, especially when given the unpredictable nature of delinquencies in general. It's hard to tell whether these rates will increase over the course of time or will remain at about the same levels.

I do not think that any Long Island accountant can overlook the fact that there is a level of concern to be had when it comes to small business credit. Yes, matters have improved and it has become, at least, somewhat easier for businesses to attain loans over the course of time. With that said, delinquencies have increased quite a bit and it seems as though this is going to have to be given a great deal of attention as well. Time will tell if this matter will be improved.

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