Nintendo & Speaking Of Profits By Bobby Jain Credit Suisse

By Rob Sutter

On the surface, doesn't it seem like Nintendo is the company that is in the most trouble? After all, there are many people who are clamoring for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One while not many seem to be poised to purchase the Wii U. It doesn't seem like it has nearly as much attention brought to it as it should, right? That being said, profits are the name of the game and I am sure that it is a subject that Bobby Jain Credit Suisse can look even more into in regards to Nintendo.

Nintendo is not without money, as its bank is full of it in case of any kind of financial straits that the company could fall into later. I believe this to be especially true when considering that the competition may not have the greatest foundation as far as money is concerned. For example, Sony had to recently close down an office building in order to bring down costs for itself. It is clear that there is much more to consider about these companies than what gamers see on a public basis.

This does not necessarily mean that Nintendo is in the clear as far as business is concerned, either. While the 3DS is the console that Nintendo can rely on now - seeing as how it is selling tremendously these days -the Wii U still remains to be a strange case. The console's low sales have been a hot topic in the gaming world and it seems as though no big release has been able to push sales in the long term. This has leaded me to believe that its financial intelligence in terms of banking couldn't have been better implemented.

It was said that Nintendo has, in terms of American currency, $10.5 billion in the bank; a strong statistic, to say the least, to the perspective of Bobby Jain Credit Suisse. If Nintendo wanted to go through substantial losses during the next four decades or so, it would be able to while remaining reasonably profitable. It's a financial cushion and I am sure that names such as Jain can agree. In order for Nintendo to prosper, though, there has to be a greater level of awareness about how gaming will change in the future.

As far as public standing is concerned, it is clear that Nintendo can do much better for itself. The idea of the Wii U being a generation behind in terms of specs is an aspect that made it lose points in the eyes of gamers who longed for the next great console. Does this necessarily mean that Nintendo is gone after this generation of console has passed us by? If anything, the extensive bank account that the company has goes to show that the company can make losses for, at least, a bit longer.

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