Practical Online Business Strategies For 2014 - Evergreen Contextual Ads

By Nathir Sufyan

With recent changes from Panda and Penguin from Google, some of the online marketing methods may be shifting away from strictly keyword strategies and be more directed toward a heavier content emphasis. Of course key words and key word phrases will remain to be important, but it will be more difficult to "rig" the keywords apart from the content of the material.

The problem with this type of advertising is that it can usually become distracting for the visitor who is simply trying to read information about the article. There is a better way to do this in order to motivate people to buy the products that you are presenting, and it can be done using what are called evergreen contextual ads. By advertising these particular types of offers, rotating different vendors from time to time, you have a higher probability of making sales based upon the niche itself.

By utilizing effective SEO marketing techniques, you'll be able to draw lots of traffic and reap the benefits. It's a good idea to do as much reading as possible, and keep up on the trends in SEO marketing. Remember, that without traffic your website is just one of many.

Smart Web Content Writing: Effective and clear writing is a powerful form of communication. You want your content to engage and inspire your site's visitors. You want to avoid boring writing, as it can discourage visitors from taking action. However, it's good to keep in mind that good content is only part of the equation. All of your content should be keyword optimized with terms that are relevant to your business topic.

Compelling Graphic Design: A well designed web page is as important as the content. Good design in coordination with relevant content is a winning combination. You always want to ensure that you website's graphic design grabs attention. Your website should be easy-to-navigate and have a clear brand, this means that excellent graphic design is a key marketing strategy. It's a good idea to have professional looking logo, and web 2.0 elements like flash animation and multimedia incorporated. Don't forget to use your log consistently throughout the website.

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