The Best Ways To Use Twitter As A Selling Tool


It's funny most people think Twitter is only good for sharing deep personal thoughts and emotions with other people who follow them or, those who they follow. If you are one of those who share such thoughts, you need to change that mindset because that isn't the only thing Twitter can be used for.

Twitter can be used as a highly effective social selling tool for marketing your ideas, goods, skills, and other services.
It's true the Twitter platform is built on entirely short messages, and it doesn't have much interesting technology behind it. But, its model is really simple (i.e you follow other people, and get followed in return).
If someone follows you for whatever reason, you can use the direct message facility on Twitter to privately send him or her marketing messages that can generate effects similar to email messages. An interesting part of this direct message service is that your follower gets to be notified via his or her regular email that you have sent him or her a direct message; drawing his or her attention to the private sales message you posted via Twitter. Successful social media marketers understand that getting customer attention is the first step in making sales. Why not start today to leverage this Twitter facility for drawing attention to whatever you have to offer the world?
Another option Twitter gives you for attracting the attention of your customer or prospect is to mention his or her name in public feeds by prefixing the name with the @ symbol before tweeting your brief sales message. Twitter will immediately send them an email alerting them that you have mentioned them in a tweet, and also presenting them a link to that tweet. If your sales messages have been efficiently prepared and effectively communicated, they will trigger replies, and thus start off sales conversation.
Twitter does not allow your followers to read your feeds directly; instead, it throws your tweets into their individual streams for them to read. So, you can always use this social networking site to regularly throw your sales messages into your followers' custom streams any time you choose. Through this system, you can distribute interesting and valuable news about your products or services, important sales information, text and link advertisements, tips, tutorials and other brand communications that differentiate you from your competitors.
To easily and cheaply spread your sales messages around the world using Twitter, you only need to add a 'hash-tag' (a unique post identifier that anyone can search for) before each Keyword in your tweet.
This social network has proved itself to be an invaluable selling tool in urgent situations. Have you ever thought of using twitter to edge-out your competitors by tweeting about the unique selling point of your product, your price discounts, your promotion activities, and distribution/purchase centers?
You can also leverage the advanced services built on Twitter technology to distribute your marketing and sales blog posts to your followers, (if you have such a blog). An example of such advanced technology is It reads your marketing and sales blog RSS as given to it by you and posts links to Twitter.
Don't forget that making the best of Twitter as a selling tool also entails branding your identity. What you place as your avatar speaks volume about you before your followers will listen to you. Your Twitter name is your brand name, so wisely choose what it will be. You can use the name of the product you are selling as your brand name for better results. For me, my username is @vipwebdesigns - the name of my company. To conclude, I say to you; whatever you are selling, whatever service you are rendering, embrace Twitter as a selling tool and let it work for you.
Imanuel Jannah is an experienced web designer, webmaster, and web content specialist. He is the founder and CEO of VIP Web Designs. You can contact him via to help you plan and execute marketing campaigns on Twitter at a reasonable price.

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