50 Ways to Boost Your Blog Traffic


Hello dear friends!
Today I would love to share with you my favorite tips and tricks that I use day by day to grow my blog traffic, without spending a penny.
These tips are not specific for a certain niche, they can be used by anyone.

#1. List your website in blog directories, here is a list;

#2. Share your new posts on Tumblr - use tags;

#3. Swap sidebar blog buttons;

#4. Always reply to all your comments;

#5. Use Digg;

#6. Guest post;

#7. Write often;

#8. Write long posts;

#9. Run a blog giveaway;

#10. Write an e-book;

#11. Submit your blog to Kindlepublishing;

#12. Include your blog URL in your email signature;

#13. Use StumbleUpon;

#14. User Reddit;

#15. Use good quality, eye-catching photos;

#16. Make sure you have social sharing buttons on all posts;

#17. Create an app for iPhone or Android;

#18. Submit your articles to EzineArticles, GoArticles, 
ArticlesBase, SelfGrowth, HubPages, Street Articles, Technorati, Fuel my Blog, Blog Top Sites;

#19. Join collaborative Pinterest, why not join my collaborative board here?;

#20. Use Twitter - 300 million active users;

#21. Remember the importance of SEO;

#22. Reference your posts - just make sure you do it in a non-manipulative way;

#23. Make sure you have a Facebook page where you can share your posts;

#24. Build an email list;

#25. Use a scheduling software like Buffer;

#26. Pin your blog post images regularly;

#27. Reach out to other bloggers- build relationships;

#28. Share your old posts through social media;

#29. Pay for advertising on Facebook;

#30. Write awesome content;

#31. Join social groups;

#32. Get in touch with others - comment on other people's blogs;

#33. Always use photos in your posts, sometimes a great photo makes you read an article;

#34. Make a radio Ad - creative idea and it's a great way to promote your website especially if you are selling something;

#35. Share other blog posts, not just yours! - if you post an interesting article a potential new reader will keep reading articles you are posting;

#36. Make sure you submit your blog posts to all search engines, find the list here;

#37. Use eye-catching post titles;

#38. Join Viralcontentbuzz - I just joined recently and I already love it! Viral Content buzz is a web-based platform that utilizes a crowd-sourcing model to facilitate the generation of REAL "social buzz" on quality content;

#39. Use Twitter between 1 and 3 pm on weekdays!;

#40. Host images on Flickr - link them back to your blog;

#41. List your top articles - in your sidebar or use a word tag cloud, etc.;

#42. Try to link back to older posts;

#43. Translate your content- this might multiply your blog traffic! I am planning to do this shortly;

#44. Link your blog in your forum signature;

#45. Join LinkedIn groups and participate;

#46. Make sure your images are pinnable;

#47. Include Alt tags for your images!;

#48. Use Keywords!;

#49. Make sure your site is accessible on mobiles and tablets;

#50. Have fun and don't give up!

Hope you enjoyed reading my tips and tricks to boost your blog traffic and I also hope you found something useful through it!
Your turn! How else can you grow your blog traffic?
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Betty_Ciorba

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