Blogging is a very good way to make some extra money, as long as you don't need the money straight away. People who think that they are going to make a quick buck and be able to quit their full time jobs on day two, will be very disappointed.
Blogging is not the way to make money fast, but if you put the work in and write about things that interest you, then there will be a time when you can blog for a living and make enough money to pay your bills and then some.
If you are thinking that it is going to be easy, then it isn't for you. If you go into it for the right reasons, then you will be able to find ideas for writing and you will build up a fan base eventually.
Fan base
Having a fan base is how you are going to earn your money. If they are fans of yours, they will buy everything that you suggest. You won't get fans if you are only writing to sell things though, so it is a fine line between selling and suggesting.
You have to write about things that interest you and the readers can tell that it interests you. They are going to see through you if you are writing to get them to buy the item. The way to do this is to find a niche and write about things that are in that niche.
For example, if you usually write about flowers and then suddenly you are writing about buying an Xbox One console, then they are going to know that you just want to sell the Xbox. Therefore, you will make more money writing about a new flower range, or some garden equipment.
The readers will know that you will have probably used the item that you are writing about and you genuinely want to recommend something. Building a fan base and getting readers who trust you is how you will make money in the long run, but you have to be doing it for the love of the writing, so that you are good at it. People aren't going to want to read rubbish.
You will have to promote the blog to get some fans. You aren't just going to write the articles and then watch the fans flock to the site. The Internet is a big place and people write blogs every single day. You don't know about half the blogs that get put up and that is the point. Unless people know you, they are not going to know about the site.
Therefore, once you have written your post for the blog, you should promote it on your social networks and then ask all of your friends to share it on their social networks as well. If they do this for you then you will have gotten some free advertising.
Part of marketing is having the site professionally designed. This is because a better-designed site will attract more viewers. If the site looks like it is something that you have just thrown up without any thought, then you won't have any fans and people won't take any notice of the things that you are saying. They certainly won't buy anything that you have promoted.
You can start off on a blog site where they will let you use their templates for free but once you start making a little bit of money, you should invest in a professionally designed website.
Storm Brain Designs is an online design company that offers marketing, branding and creative services to other companies. No company is too small for them as they have experience dealing with companies of all shapes and sizes. You can visit their website at
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